วันจันทร์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552
all beautiful asian girls
The term "Oriental" (from the Latin word for "Eastern")[34] was originally used in Europe in reference to the Near East. It was later extended to the rest of Asia, but came to refer to Northeast Asians and Southeast Asians in the 19th and 20th century US,[35] where most Asians were Chinese (and later Japanese and Filipino). By the late 20th century, the term had gathered associations in North America with older attitudes now seen as outmoded, and was replaced with the term "Asian" as part of the updating of language concerning social identities,[36] which critics have derided as political correctness.[37] In Europe however use of the term oriental for an east Asian has no negative connotations attached and is commonly used since here 'Asian' is taken to mean a South Asian. Note particularly that, in the UK at least, Indian people (for example) are considered Asian but not Oriental, giving credence to the point that the term 'Oriental' now means 'East Asian' rather than any meaning related to the Greenwich Meridian and it's colonial links.

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