วันพุธที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

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The rings of Neptune consist of five principal rings discovered in 1989 by the Voyager 2 spacecraft.[1] They are tenuous, faint and dusty, resembling the rings of Jupiter more closely than those of Saturn or Uranus. Neptune's rings are named for astronomers who contributed important work on the planet:[1] Galle, Le Verrier, Lassell, Arago and Adams.[2][3] Neptune also has a faint unnamed ring coincident with the orbit of Neptunian moon Galatea. Three other moons orbit between the rings: Naiad, Thalassa and Despina.[3]

The rings of Neptune are made of extremely dark material, likely organic compounds processed by radiation similar to that found in the rings of Uranus.[4] The proportion of dust in the rings (between 20 and 70%) is high,[4] while their optical depth is low, at less than 0.1.[5] Uniquely, the Adams ring is divided into five discrete arcs, named Fraternité, Égalité 1 and 2, Liberté, and Courage. The arcs occupy a narrow range of orbital longitudes and are remarkably stable, having changed only slightly since their initial detection in 1980.[4] How the arcs are stabilized is still under debate. However, their stability is probably related to the resonant interaction between the Adams ring and its inner shepherd moon, Galatea.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rings_of_Neptune

